Best Puppy
West Midland Terrier Society - Open Show - 11th February 2023 Thank you to the society for their kind invitation to judge at their Premier Open Show. I was delighted with my entry, my heartfelt thanks to all the exhibitors for entering their dogs for my consideration. I had some lovely examples of both breeds to judge and my Best of Breed Cairn Terrier and Cesky Terrier were, I thought, lovely examples of their respective breeds. Puppy D/B (2,0) 1st Weston’s Wherrypoint Englebert – 9 month Male. Typey head, good front and rear angulation, with sufficient rise. Moved and presented well. Promising youngster. Best Puppy 2nd Ellison’s Placido Proper Player – 9 month Male. Unfortunate to come up against 1st, though did like his length of leg to body ratios. Moved and presented well. Junior D/B (2,1) 1st Williams & Jackson’s Wherrypoint Gladys - 17 month Bitch. Feminine head, liked her length of neck, front and rear angulation. Good for shape and size, balanced, rise. Very promising young bitch. Post Graduate D/B (6,1) 1st Dukes & Rodgers’ Runiks Akreepa of Dragons – 21 month Bitch. Lovely feminine head with typey expression. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders. Love her balance and size, good rise. Moved and presented beautifully. Reserve Best of Breed. 2nd Williams & Jacksons’ Placido Olympia – 19 month Bitch. Feminine head. Liked her for size, she shows well and has a good topline. Unfortunate to meet 1st. Open D/B – (4,1) 1st Kirk-Ashby’s Komidion Rhythm at Moraira. My first time judging this bitch and she is lovely! She has a lovely feminine head, good length of neck into well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest, rise into well angulated rear, so on the move she doesn’t disappoint. She’s not a flashy bitch but she’s so nicely made, she couldn’t be denied the class or Best of Breed. 2nd Dukes & Rodgers Placido Musical Miracle at Runiks – 3-and-a-half-year-old Bitch. Feminine head, presented and showed well, just preferred 1st. Sarah Richardson |
all pictures are courtesy of Gareth Brown ( please credit if sharing) |
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