11th February 2023
JUDGE  -   Sarah Richardson




Waugh’s Ch. Glory Daze at Tribannon


Ballinger’s Cloverbrook Forget Me Not




West Midland Terrier Society - Open Show - 11th February 2023

Thank you to the society for their kind invitation to judge at their Premier Open Show. I was delighted with my entry, my heartfelt thanks to all the exhibitors for entering their dogs for my consideration. I had some lovely examples of both breeds to judge and my Best of Breed Cairn Terrier and Cesky Terrier were, I thought, lovely examples of their respective breeds.

Cairn Terriers

There were some cowhocks, loose elbows and the grooming on some, I know they are supposed to be workmanlike and natural,but… Overall I was delighted with my entry and my principle winners.

Puppy D/B – (7,2) 1st Ballinger’s Cloverbrook Forget Me Not – 8 Month Dark Brindle Bitch. Feminine head and expression. Liked her for shape and size. Moved and presented well. Lovely puppy! Best Puppy. 2nd Saich’s Lindcoly Here Comes Oh Shi – 9 month Cream Brindle Bitch. Pretty feminine head. Well balanced. Moved well, just lost out to 1st. Both very promising young bitches.

Junior D/B – (7,4) 1st Hiam’s Carradine Arfa Pint JW – 17 month Red Brindle Male. Masculine young dog with a typey head and expression. Liked his front and rear which he used to advantage on the move. Presented in excellent order. Reserve Best of Breed. 2nd Ballinger’s Cloverbrook Game Set Nmatch – 8 month Dark Wheaten Brindle litter brother to Best Puppy and similar remarks apply. Liked his head and expression. Another promising youngster, just gave away a but too much in age and maturity against 1st.

Post Graduate D/B (9, 3) 1st Lucas & Torbutt’s Seveek Country Lad – 19 month Wheaten Brindle lad. Good in front and forechest and what a second thigh! Liked his size and balance. Powered around the ring due to his fantastic hard condition! 2nd Keeves’ Seveek Guilded Dream – 2 year old Red Male. Liked his head and expression, good in front, size and substance. Unfortunate to meet 1st.

Open D/B ( 8, 2) 1st Waugh’s Ch. Glory Daze at Tribannon – 2 year old Wheaten Bitch. Pretty feminine head on well set neck into sloping shoulders. Liked her size and balance and she didn’t disappoint on the move. She was lovely! Best of breed. 2nd Batemans’ Carradine Fizz Bomb – 4 year old Red Bitch. Lovely feminine head and typey expression. Liked her front, size and balance. Lovely bitch, unfortunate to meet 1st.

Sarah Richardson

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