13th February 2016
JUDGE - Julie Wright (Rightstuff)



Bluepoint Spitfire

Miss D & Mr S Heath & Morris

Deverclifft Big Tonto

Mr & Mrs Clifft



all pictures are courtesy of David Molineus ( please credit if sharing)
Saturday 13th February 2016 I would like to thank the Committee of West Midland Terrier Society for a very enjoyable day and for their hospitality.

Bull Terriers Junior - (4:1 absent)
1. Miss D. Heath and Mr. S. Morris’s Bluepoint Spitfire, Red dog, very good expression, power and turn of head, correct mouth, well placed ears into a long neck, good depth to chest, straight front, tight feet, good quarters, moved well and held topline on the move BOB
2. Mr. and Mrs. Clifft’s Deverclifft Big Tonto, White dog, red eye patch, very good profile and eye. Correct mouth, well placed ears, good length of neck into well placed shoulders, short back, straight front, would not settle on the move, probably due to being very much a baby. 6 months old. RBOB and Best Puppy.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Clifft’s Deverclifft Sugary Sal

Post Graduate Dog (2:2 absent)

Open (4:4 absent)


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